Remote control Branca Idealair

Remote Control Branca Idealair, powered by S.T.A. Branca Idealair, is an additional service offered to our Customers, based on technical remote control of the Climatic Units followed by S.T.A. Branca Idealair technicians on Climatic Units.

The service allows a direct communication with the Climatic units and particularly to programmable logic recording significant data, commands and analyzing the responses of the system, without any local human action, only if it is subjected to a specific request by the technician. The activation of remote support is possible on those systems where the characteristic has been specifically prescribed on supply or arranged for the future use, for example, the Climatic units or textile testing instruments sold after 2005 .

For more information contact our technical department at assistenza@brancaidealair.it).

The requirements necessary to provide remote assistance service are:

  • Two-way data connection and of the adequate connection speed, to minimize the effects of the latencies (which may be critical , especially in process control, audio monitoring of environmental parameters and video controls on PID controllers );
  • The preparation of the local PC-software package and connections cable supplied on request by the customer;

Remote assistance on the process control is still frequent by means of point to point connections , for example with dedicated phone line , but even more widespread the connection through Remote Desktop, which enables connections with low latency levels.


It is worth to underline that remote assistance is often preferred by the end user when the human relationship is perceived as an added value, consequently the service charges in this mode can be significantly lower, as opposed to the time invested in human action, not always determinable.

The remote control includes the following:

  • Functional checks and monitor of environmental and control parameters;
  • Offset and adjustment of control parameters;
  • Alarms diagnostics / statistics and history logs;
  • Hardware devices checks;
  • Verify of Climatic unit correct operation, refrigerant circuit components
  • Quotation for the replacement of components in case of malfunctions;
  • Top priority service "Next Business Day";
  • Software upgrades;
  • Discount on spare parts if available on our site: www.brancaidealair.it;
  • Visit by out technician with our discounted price lists;

For more information contact the Technical Assistance Branca Idealair to: